Week 8: Research Lab

In this research lab, we had to chose a question we were most interested in experimenting with. We chose the question ‘how can we transition between levels without just standing or falling through them?’ because we all agreed that this was what we struggled with the most and that we didnt use a range of different ways to get up from the floor during jams or improvisations. We experimented with the following ideas to help us come up with more complicated ways:

  • Keeping different body parts in contact while moving through different levels
  • Using a time limit to put added pressue on us
  • Using the most complex route to get from the floor up and vice versa

With ‘keeping different body parts in contact while moving through different levels’, we all firstly thought that “belly to belly” would be the most successful however when we performed the task itself, it became apparent that that was the most difficult. We all agreed that head to head was the easiest as we had more freedom to move around. As our stomachs are the centre 0f our bodies, it was difficult (verging on impossible) to move from down to up whilst our stomachs were in contact. The other body parts we used were knees to knees and back to back.

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When we were put under pressure with a time limit, I feel like it had a negative effect rather than positive. This is because we were rushing rather than still using our skills. When observing, I noticed that people were just trying to get to the floor in the quickest time possible rather than the most effective. So we thought we would move onto getting to the floor in the most complex way. This was more interesting to watch as people were actually thinking about what to do rather than just standing up or sliding to the floor. It was most effective in partner work as people were using lifts to make interesting transititions.


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